Sunday, September 10, 2017

Week 1

In class exercise:

Make a short, first-person story using things you find in and around MAGNET to represent some kind of future AR technology. Take 5-7 pictures and add caption of a few sentences to each. Describe your experience interacting with what you find and how it augments your experience of the world. Perhaps a picture is a portal to another place, or a book lets you create anything that you want. Add you story to your page on the class blog.

See below for an example story.

A Strange Brew

I found this strange machine while I was walking around my neighborhood today. I've never seen it before. Wonder what it does.

Let's give the handle a turn and see what happens!

Whoa! A mug of coffee came out of nowhere. I love coffee!

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Delicious.

Hold on a second. Something weird is happening. Was that actually coffee that I just drank?

What....What just happened? This isn't where I was a second ago.

Where am I? What the heck was in that coffee?!

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