ARkit First Trial
I'm working with text as a trial of ARkit. I'm thinking of making a new kind of platform for literature that makes it possible to read others' writing on physical space. Imagine physical tweets? As a test of viewing experience, a set of text can be positioned at certain space with ARkit.
Vuforia project w/Yunho
All are documented in Yunho's page.
Week2 - Space telling stories : Walking dead opening scene
Many zombie movies have one common thing in their opening scene. In 28 days later, Resident evil and walking dead, a protagonist wakes up from out of nowhere, knows nothing about apocalyptic situation and tries to figure out what happened in the world. It's pretty much same to audience, especially if an audience has no information about a show without knowing the presence of zombie. The very first scene of Walking dead is good example. As Rick, the protagonist, comes into the scene with his sheriff car, we are introduced the world of it.
Empty road. A sheriff is coming. Extremely quiet.
A truck turned over.
Traffic light is not working.
Abandoned cars with sign of burned.
More abandoned cars with good condition.
Cars parked in grass. Lantern. Magazine. Stroller. Toy. Evidence of camping.
Dead bodies which seemed to be pretty old. (or new??)
No gas. People might leave this place while ago.
Week1 - Blippar demo
I tired to make two quick demos with movie posters.
1. Exorcist
I always felt some sympathy whenever I see the exorcist poster. He is actually working nightshift! The haunted house is a kind of his workplace... I changed background image to some office building with opening title music of Office.
2. Aladin
Now we have our own ginie. Siri, Alexa, Google home! Ginie is not in the lamp, but lives in our mobile phone... I change the whole image to Siri opening sequence in mobile.
I have a difficulty to use video. There's lag when loading video, though the file is not that big, less than 5M. Unfortunately it didn't feel like augmented things without seamless experience.
We are watchers.
We see you and hear you.
What you left here is never going to disappear and be engrave as memory.
It’s hard for us to remember exactly what you’ve done here but we are good at feeling you.
You were sad. You were angry. You were desperate. But you overcame it with a puff.
You left, but a moment of yours will remain with us forever.
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