Thursday, September 14, 2017

Homework 1

Homework 1

Using Blippar, augment a book cover, poster, advertisement, or some other piece of physical media to change or subvert the story that it is telling. Think about what images, sounds, videos, or other things you can use to augment your media, as well as how they can be arranged and the order they are presented and how they appear.

Make sure to document your homework and post it to your page on the blog. Take pictures and videos of your augment in action. Show us both what your media looks like unaugmented, and with the augments on it. I recommend asking a friend to help you record or finding a tripod for a camera or phone. That will make it much easier to take steady photos and videos while using another phone to look at the augment.

Bring whatever you augmented into class next week so we can see it in action. If you are using any kind of audio, make sure to bring headphones so that other people can listen to it.

For getting started with Blippar, I have made a short explanation of how to use it here:

In addition to creating you augment you will need to also read and watch a few things. I recommend doing these before creating your assignment as they will help you start to frame your thinking about narrative and AR.

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